Dr. Constantin-Victor Spiridonidis |
Position | Professor |
Faculty | School of Architecture and Interior Design |
Telephone/Ext | +971(4)7096142 |
Location | C2-01 |
Position Professor
Email spiridonidis@cud.ac.ae
Telephone/Ext +971(4)7096142
Location C2-01
Faculty School of Architecture and Interior Design
Dr. Constantin Spiridonidis is an Architect (Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece) Urban Planner (Univ. Paris VIII, France) and Dr. in Architecture and Urban Design (Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece).
He is a Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Interior Design at Canadian University Dubai. Prior to this, he was a Tenured Professor in School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Dr. Constantin Spiridonidis's research interests are centered on design theory, architecture and urban design, architectural education and design pedagogy. He has vast experience in the management of academic educational programs investigating different educational environments, their priorities, values and principles and the ways these are expressed and represented in educational strategies, pedagogical approaches and teaching methodologies. He has an extensive record of participation in and contribution to international organizations in Europe and USA, decision-making institutions, policy-making bodies and capacity building mechanisms to enhance the quality of architectural education and assure learning outcomes corresponding to the contemporary profile of an architect in a fast-changing world.
He is a distinguished scholar with a broad range of publications aiming to disseminate innovative views on architectural education, encourage and support changes in curricula structures and contents, reconsider educational objectives, pedagogical methods and teaching strategies, inspire new logics, concepts and practices in design education respecting local identities and attitudes, without losing touch with the international trends and dynamics.
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Dr. Constantin Spiridonidis is an Architect (Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece) Urban Planner (Univ. Paris VIII, France) and Dr. in Architecture and Urban Design (Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece).
He is a Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Interior Design at Canadian University Dubai. Prior to this, he was a Tenured Professor in School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Dr. Constantin Spiridonidis's research interests are centered on design theory, architecture and urban design, architectural education and design pedagogy. He has vast experience in the management of academic educational programs investigating different educational environments, their priorities, values and principles and the ways these are expressed and represented in educational strategies, pedagogical approaches and teaching methodologies. He has an extensive record of participation in and contribution to international organizations in Europe and USA, decision-making institutions, policy-making bodies and capacity building mechanisms to enhance the quality of architectural education and assure learning outcomes corresponding to the contemporary profile of an architect in a fast-changing world.
He is a distinguished scholar with a broad range of publications aiming to disseminate innovative views on architectural education, encourage and support changes in curricula structures and contents, reconsider educational objectives, pedagogical methods and teaching strategies, inspire new logics, concepts and practices in design education respecting local identities and attitudes, without losing touch with the international trends and dynamics.