Dr. Qian Long Kweh |
Highest Degree | Ph.D. (Universiti Malaysia Pahang) |
Position | Professor/Dean of Research and Innovation |
Faculty | School of Management |
Telephone/Ext | +971(4)7096285 |
Location | FOM 204 G |
Position Professor/Dean of Research and Innovation
Email qlkweh@cud.ac.ae
Telephone/Ext +971(4)7096285
Location FOM 204 G
Highest Degree Ph.D. (Universiti Malaysia Pahang)
Faculty School of Management
Dr. Qian Long Kweh is a Professor at the Faculty of Management of Canadian University Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He is a qualified academic having over 10 years of experience and passion into tertiary teaching and empirical research. He has had articles published in ISI-indexed journals with wide readership like European Journal of Operational Research, OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Applied Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis etc.
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Dr. Qian Long Kweh is a Professor at the Faculty of Management of Canadian University Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He is a qualified academic having over 10 years of experience and passion into tertiary teaching and empirical research. He has had articles published in ISI-indexed journals with wide readership like European Journal of Operational Research, OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Applied Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis etc.
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Research Interests Keywords
Performance measurement , Intellectual capital , Corporate governance , Auditing , Financial accounting and reportingAcademic Publications
Book Chapters
- Wu, Y.-C., Kweh, Q. L., Lu, W.-M., Hung, S.-W., and Chang, C.-F. (2016). Capital Stock and Performance of R&D Organizations: A Dynamic DEA-ANP Hybrid Approach. In Zhu, J. (eds.), Handbook of Operations Analytics Using Data Envelopment Analysis: New York: Springer Science+Business Media. (SCOPUS-indexed)
- Lu, W.-M., Hung, S.-W., Kweh, Q. L., Wang, W.-K., and Lu, E.-T. (2014). Production and Marketing Efficiencies of the U.S. Airline Industry: A Two-Stage Network DEA Approach. In Cook, W.D. and Zhu, J. (eds.), Data Envelopment Analysis, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 208: New York: Springer Science+Business Media. (SCOPUS-indexed)
- Wu, Y.-C., Kweh, Q. L., Lu, W.-M., Hung, S.-W., and Chang, C.-F. (2016). Capital Stock and Performance of R&D Organizations: A Dynamic DEA-ANP Hybrid Approach. In Zhu, J. (eds.), Handbook of Operations Analytics Using Data Envelopment Analysis: New York: Springer Science+Business Media. (SCOPUS-indexed)
- Lu, W.-M., Hung, S.-W., Kweh, Q. L., Wang, W.-K., and Lu, E.-T. (2014). Production and Marketing Efficiencies of the U.S. Airline Industry: A Two-Stage Network DEA Approach. In Cook, W.D. and Zhu, J. (eds.), Data Envelopment Analysis, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 208: New York: Springer Science+Business Media. (SCOPUS-indexed)
- Kweh, Q.L., Lu, W.-M., Tone, K. & Nourani, M. (2021). Risk-adjusted banks' resource-utilization and investment efficiencies: does intellectual capital matter?. Journal of Intellectual Capital.
- Ting, I. W. K., Chen, F.-C., Kweh, Q. L., Sui, H. J., & Le, H. T. M. (2021). Intellectual capital and bank branches’ efficiency: an integrated study. Journal of Intellectual Capital.
- Kweh, Q.L., Lu, W.-M., Tone, K. & Nourani, M. (2021). Risk-adjusted banks' resource-utilization and investment efficiencies: does intellectual capital matter?. Journal of Intellectual Capital.
- Ting, I. W. K., Chen, F.-C., Kweh, Q. L., Sui, H. J., & Le, H. T. M. (2021). Intellectual capital and bank branches’ efficiency: an integrated study. Journal of Intellectual Capital.
- Ting, I. W. K., Sui, H. J., Kweh, Q. L., & Nawanir, G. (2021). Knowledge management and firm innovative performance with the moderating role of transformational leadership. Journal of Knowledge Management.
- Wang, W.-K., Wu, S.-F., Nourani, M., Kweh, Q. L., & Chen, J. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility, Intangibles, and Dynamic Performance of the U.S. Airlines: La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, los Intangibles y el Desempeño Dinámico de las Aerolíneas Estadounidenses. Spanish Accounting Review, 24(1), 104-115.
- Kweh, Q.L., & Ting, I.W.K. (2020). What had financial crises taught us about the past?. Institutions And Economies, 12(4), 1-2.
- Gurrib, I., Kweh, Q. L., Nourani, M., & Ting, I. W. K. (2019). Are Cryptocurrencies Affected by Their Asset Class Movements or News Announcements? Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 56(2), 201–225.
- Paramanantham, N.S., Ting, I.W.K., & Kweh, Q.L. (2018). Ownership concentration and debt structure: evidence from top 100 PLCs in Malaysia. Institutions and Economies, 10(3), 1–13.
- Kuo, K.-C., Lu, W.-M., Kweh, Q.L. & Le, M.-H. (2020). Determinants of cargo and eco-efficiencies of global container shipping companies. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 31(4), 753-775.
- Le, H.T.M., Kweh, Q.L., Ting, I.W.K. & Nourani, M. (2020). CEO power and earnings management: Dual roles of foreign shareholders in Vietnamese listed companies. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 1– 17.
- Kweh, Q. L., Ting, I. W. K., Le, H. T. M., & Nourani, M. (2020). Nonlinear impacts of board independence on debt financing: Contingent on the shareholdings of the largest shareholder. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 1-18.
- Lu, W. M., Kweh, Q. L., Nourani, M., & Shih, J. M. (2019). Major weapons procurement: An efficiency‐based approach for the selection of fighter jets. Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(4), 574– 585.
- Lu, W. M., Kweh, Q. L., & Yang, K. C. (2020). Multiplicative efficiency aggregation to evaluate Taiwanese local auditing institutions performance. Annals of Operations Research.
- Nourani, M., Kweh, Q.L., Devadason, E.S., & Chandran, V.G.R. (2020). A decomposition analysis of managerial efficiency for the insurance companies: A data envelopment analysis approach. Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(6), 885-901.
- Tebourbi, I., Ting, I.W.K., Kweh, Q.L., & Al Huseini, H.A.H., (2020). Capital structure and profitability in a tax-free country: Evidence from the UAE. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 10(3).
- "Tebourbi, I., Ting, I.W.K., Le, H.T.M., & Kweh, Q.L. (2020). R&D investment and future firm performance: The role of managerial overconfidence and government ownership. Managerial Decision and Economics, 41(7), 1269-1281"
- Ting, I. W. K., Juan, S. H., Darun, M. R., Yao, L., & Kweh, Q. L. (2020). The impact of knowledge creation on employee engagement from the perspectives of exploitation and exploration. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 34(3), 423-446.
- "Ting, I. W. K., Lo, H.-C., & Kweh, Q. L. (2020). How do ownership concentration and family control affect R&D investments? New Evidence from Taiwan. International Review of Finance, 20(1), 275-291.
- "Ting, I., Ren, C., Chen, F. and Kweh, Q.L. (2020). Interpreting the dynamic performance effect of intellectual capital through a value-added-based perspective. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 21(3).
- Tran, P. P., Kuo, K.-C., Lu, W.-M., & Kweh, Q. L. (2020). Benchmarking in Vietnam universities: teaching and research and revenue efficiencies. Asia Pacific Education Review. 21, 197–209.
- Wang, W.-K., Lu, W.-M., Kweh, Q. L., & Siao, W.-Y. (2020). Related-party transactions and corporate performance following the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards in Taiwan. Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(1), 371-379.
- Wang, W., Lu, W., Kweh, Q.L. & Truong, H.T.N. (2020). What do U.S. biopharmaceutical companies get from patents and research and development spikes for their dynamic corporate performance? Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(5), 762-770.
- Kweh, Q. L., Ting, I. W. K., Hanh, L. T. M., & Zhang, C. (2019). Intellectual capital, governmental presence, and firm performance of publicly listed companies in Malaysia. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 16(2), 193–211.
- Lin, F., Deng, Y.-J., Lu, W.-M., & Kweh, Q. L. (2019). Impulse response function analysis of the impacts of hospital accreditations on hospital efficiency. Health Care Management Science, 22(3), 394–409.
- Nourani, M., Ting, I. W. K., Lu, W.-M., & Kweh, Q. L. (2019). Capital structure and dynamic performance: Evidence from ASEAN-5 banks. Singapore Economic Review, 64(3), 495–516.
- Wang, W.-K., Lu, W.-M., Kweh, Q. L., Nourani, M., & Hong, R.-S. (2019). Interlocking directorates and dynamic corporate performance: The roles of centrality, structural holes and number of connections in social networks. Review of Managerial Science, 1-12.
- Hanh, L. T. M., Ting, I. W. K., Kweh, Q. L., & Hoanh, L. T. H. (2018). Board meeting frequency and financial performance: A case of listed firms in Vietnam. International Journal of Business and Society, 19(2), 464–472.
- Kweh, Q. L., Lu, W.-M., Nourani, M., and Ghazali @ Mohd Zain, M. H. (2018). Risk management and dynamic network performance: An illustration using a dual banking system. Applied Economics, 50 (30), 3285-3299.
- Lu, W.-M., Kweh, Q. L.*, He, D.-S., and Shih, J.-M. (2017). Performance analysis of the cultural and creative industry: A network-based approach. Naval Research Logistics, 64 (8), 662-676.
- "Ting, I. W. K., Kweh, Q. L., Lean, H. H., & Juan, S. H. (2018). Founder management, government ownership and firm performance: Evidence from Malaysia. Institutions and Economies, 10(1), 1–17.
- Ting, I. W. K., Kweh, Q. L., & Somosundaram, K. (2017). Ownership concentration, dividend payout and firm performance: The case of Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 54(2), 269–280.
- Kuo, K.-C., Kweh, Q. L.*, Ting, I. W. K., and Azizan, N. A. (2017). Dynamic network performance evaluation of general insurance companies: An insight into risk management committee structure. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28 (5-6), 542-558.
- Wu, Y.-C., Kweh, Q. L.*, Kuo, K.-C., and Azizan, N. A. (2016). The impacts of risk management committee’s characteristics and prestige on efficiency. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67 (6), 813-829.
- Lu, W.-M., Kweh, Q. L., Nourani, M., and Wang, C.-W. (2016). Evaluating the efficiency of dual-use technology development programs from the R&D and socio-economic perspectives. Omega, 62, 82-92.
- Lu, W.-M., Liu, J. S., Kweh, Q. L., and Wang, C.-W. (2016). Exploring the benchmarks of the Taiwanese investment trust corporations: Management and investment efficiency perspectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 248 (2), 607-618.
- Kweh, Q. L.*, Lu, W.-M., and Wang, W.-K. (2014). Dynamic efficiency: Intellectual capital in the Chinese non-life insurance firms. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18 (5), 937-951.
- Lu, W.-M., Wang, W.-K., and Kweh, Q. L. (2014). Intellectual capital and performance in the Chinese life insurance industry. Omega, 42 (1), 65-74.
- Kweh, Q. L.*, Chan, Y. C., and Ting, I. W. K. (2013). Measuring intellectual capital efficiency in the Malaysian software sector. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 4(2), 310-324.
- Arora, P., Kweh, Q. L.*, and Mahajan, D. (Forthcoming). Performance comparison between domestic and international firms in the high‑technology industry. Eurasian Business Review.
- Foundation for Science & Technology Development (FOSTECT) Research Grant totaling VND 200 million each by Ton Duc Thang University – TWO two-year projects (January 2018 – December 2019).
- Higher Learning Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) totalling MYR 55,700.00 by the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia – ONE two-year project (November 2016 – October 2018).
- Foundation for Science & Technology Development (FOSTECT) Research Grant totaling VND 200 million each by Ton Duc Thang University – TWO two-year projects (January 2018 – December 2019).
- Higher Learning Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) totalling MYR 55,700.00 by the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia – ONE two-year project (November 2016 – October 2018).
- Higher Learning Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) totalling MYR 59,200.00 by the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia – ONE two-year project (November 2015 – October 2017).
- Higher Learning Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) totalling MYR 95,620.00 by the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia – ONE two-year project (July 2014 – June 2016).
- Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) – Associate member (Membership no.: 38192)
- Malaysian Finance Association (MFA) – Life member (Membership no.: 120/13)
- Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) – Associate member (Membership no.: 38192)
- Malaysian Finance Association (MFA) – Life member (Membership no.: 120/13)
- The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of The Republic of China – Honorary member
- Best paper award, 4th International Conference on Organization and Management & the 6th International Conference on CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2019
- Ting, I. W. K., Kweh, Q. L., Lean, H. H., and Mohd Azly Lee, R. (2016, November), Debt Diagnostic System (DDS). An innovative product presented at the PERiNTiS 2016 (Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Best paper award, 4th International Conference on Organization and Management & the 6th International Conference on CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2019
- Ting, I. W. K., Kweh, Q. L., Lean, H. H., and Mohd Azly Lee, R. (2016, November), Debt Diagnostic System (DDS). An innovative product presented at the PERiNTiS 2016 (Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Ting, I. W. K., Azizan, N. A., and Kweh, Q. L. (2014, January). Managerial Overconfidence and Leverage Decision: The Moderating Effect of Human Governance in Malaysia. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the AGBA Thailand Chapter Conference (ICBES 2014), Bangkok, Thailand. (Best Paper Award)