Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Degree Program
4 Years (8 Semesters)
138 Credit Hours
Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering-Mechatronics (BSc in EE-Mechatronics) is a four-year program.EE-Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary subject combining computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering elements. The program aims to expand your working knowledge of engineering to include applied electronics and microcontroller programming. Students will explore key challenges and considerations in designing mechatronic systems, such as those involved in creating industrial robots. If you are interested in mechatronics and an experiential learning approach that provides hands-on experience in engineering problem-solving, then this is the program for you.


Mechatronics students at CUD are exposed to a variety of disciplines, so they will be well-equipped to excel in a wide range of fields – including electrical and mechanical engineering – and have the potential to reach management positions quickly. The combined skills of the Mechatronics graduates are becoming increasingly valuable to employers in various fields. Recognizing the need for diversification away from the oil and gas industry, the UAE has chosen to invest heavily in creating a knowledge economy based on technological advancement and innovation, including advancements in robotics technology. As a Mechatronics graduate, you will find yourself in demand across a range of established and developing fields of key importance to the UAE, from clean energy to manufacturing and healthcare.

Graduates will be thoroughly prepared to work in design and development in a number of areas including:

  • Medical robotics, systems and instrumentation
  • Defense robotics and systems
  • Manufacturing robotics and systems
  • Industrial and home robotics
  • Automotive robotics and systems
  • Distributed systems
  • Smart consumer products

The program was awarded accreditation by the Ministry of Education UAE in 2018

The BScEE program is market-relevant, designed as per the QF Emirates level-7, with emphasis on well-focused Program Learning Outcomes that prepare students to explore and to be knowledgeable about the discipline of Mechatronics.

  • To maintain, monitor, and further develop a conducive environment for learning and teaching to ensure relevance and excellence in the engineering field.
  • To adopt and show the enthusiasm and contribution of all staff and students and to support the ambitions of all by providing them with both academic excellence and the practical experience required for career success.
  • To generate an atmosphere of dignity and mutual respect while encouraging scholarly debate and applied research.
  • To generate an atmosphere of dignity and mutual respect while encouraging scholarly debate and applied research.
  • To accept accountability and value the input of all stakeholders particularly in our operation as a portal to Canadian education; and so, make CUD the University of Choice in our target market and simultaneously an employer of choice for all academic, management and support staff.
  • To account for the needs of all internal and external stakeholders by securing the sufficient and relevant resources that are available for the achievement of all strategic and operational goals, to enhancing the sovereignty of the University as an independent institution of higher education.
  • Equip engineering students with a sense of social responsibility, moral and ethical behavior in a global working environment.

Upon successful completion of the BScEE program, the graduate will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and principles of mathematics, science, computing, and engineering.
  • Acquire specialized knowledge of principles, concepts and methodologies related to electrical engineering.
  • Demonstrate in depth understanding of the fundamental principles in Electronics/ Mechatronics/Telecommunication components, systems, and processes.
  • Communicate effectively orally and in writing using various media and information technology tools.
  • Evaluate electrical systems using methods that include appropriate research and experimentation, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information.
  • Creatively design Electronics/ Mechatronics/Telecommunication components, systems or processes through the integration and application of diverse technical knowledge.
  • Work in an effective and creative way individually and in teams and demonstrate leadership skills.
  • Comply with international standards in designing and developing Electronics/ Mechatronics/Telecommunication systems.
  • Comprehend the impact of globalization, economic, cultural, ethical, legal, and societal factors on the Electrical engineering industry.
  • Pursue academic and/or professional development, to be aware of current advances.

The BScEE degree shall be awarded to a student upon completing the following requirements:

  • A student enrolled in the BScEE program must have passed one hundred and forty (138) credit hours.
  • A student must have achieved a CGPA of not less than 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 points.
  • A student must have earned at least 50% of credits at CUD.
  • The internship and graduation project must be completed at CUD.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Gindy

Associate Professor
Phone: +971 47096813
Office: HUB Ground Floor - Office 76


Program Structure

The structure of the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in Mechatronics (BScEE) program is as follows:

Requirements Compulsory
Credit Hours
Credit Hours
Credit Hours
University Requirement (General Education Courses) 21 3 24
Program Core Requirements (Core Courses) 72 - 72
Concentration Requirements (Major Courses) 36 6 42
Total 129 9 138

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
Compulsory Courses (21 Credits)
LNG 181 English I for Engineering and Computing None 3
LNG 182 English II for Engineering and Computing LNG 181 3
GED 252 Critical thinking and problem solving LNG 182 3
GED 199 Emirati studies None 3
ENT 141 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 None 2
ENT 142 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 141 1
SHS 103 Chemistry None 3
ENG 410 Professional and Ethical Practice None 3
Elective Courses (Humanities - 03 Credits): Students are required to select ONE Course from the following Pool
GED 110 Modern Art Appreciation None 3
GED 196 Communication Skills in Arabic 1 None 3
GED 205 Psychology in Everyday Life LNG 102 or LNG 182 3
GED 198 Islamic culture None 3
GED 272 Fundamentals of Public Speaking LNG 102 or LNG 182 3
GED 298 Special Topics in Western Culture GED 198E, LNG 102 or LNG 182 3
GED 324 Ethical Reasoning for Today’s World LNG 102 or LNG 182 3

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
ENG 101 Digital Logic None 4
NET 110 Computer Networks Fundamentals ENG 101 3
SWS 110 Programming I None 3
MTH 112 Calculus I Pass Math Placement Test or MTH 012 3
MTH 113 Calculus II MTH 112 3
MTH 130 Probability and Statistics MTH 112 3
MTH 212 Calculus III MTH 113 3
MTH 220 Ordinary Differential Equations MTH 212 3
ENG 210 Computer Architecture ENG 101 4
ENG 221 Electric Circuit I SCI 210 4
ENG 222 Engineering Electromagnetics MTH 212, SCI 210 3
ENG 223 Electric Circuit II ENG 221 3
ENT 241 Entrepreneurship 1 ENT 142 2
ENT 242 Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 241 1
SCI 210 Modern Physics SCI 220 & MTH 113 3
SCI 220 Engineering Mechanics MTH 112 3
BUS 310 Project Management Completion of 60 Credit Hours 3
BUS 311 Engineering Economy MTH 130 3
ENG 301 Electronics II ENG 310 3
ENG 310 Electronics I ENG 221 3
ENG 314 Electric Machines ENG 223 3
ENG 315 Control Systems MTH 220 3
SWS 316 Programming II SWS 110 3
COM 411 Digital Filter Design MTH 220 3

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
Compulsory Courses (36 Credits)
MEC 305 Mechanical Vibrations MTH 220, COM 311 3
MEC 306 Electro-Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Circuits SCI 210 3
MEC 310 Mechatronics Engineering ENG 301, ELC 323 3
ENG 320 Internship 90 Credit Hours & CGPA ≥ 2.0 2
ELC 323 Instrumentation and Measurements ENG 223 3
ENG 400 Graduation Project-1 Completed 100 Credit Hours 2
ENG 401 Graduation Project-2 ENG 400 2
MEC 411 Intelligent Systems MTH 130, SWS 316 3
MEC 412 Sensors and Actuators ELC 323 3
MEC 413 Industrial Automation MEC 310 3
MEC 421 Robotics MEC 310, MEC 411, MEC 412 3
MEC 422 Mechatronics Systems Design MEC 310, MEC 412 3
MEC 427 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) MEC 413 3
Elective Courses (06 Credits): Students are required to select Two Courses from the following courses
ELC 320 Power Electronics ENG 301 3
ELC 330 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems ENG 210 3
ELC 412 Digital System Design ENG 210 3
MEC 425 Production Management for Engineers BUS 310, MEC 411 3
MEC 426 Fluid Mechanics MEC 412 3