Study Plan

Bachelor of Science in Software Design

Semester Course Code Course Title Pre/Co Requisite Credit Hours
Semester 1 LNG 181 English I for Engineering and Computing None 3
XXX XXX GE Elective (1) None 3
MTH 112 Calculus I Pass Math Placement Test or MTH 012 3
BCS 101 Elements of Computing None 3
ENT 141 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 None 2
Semester 2 MTH 120 Discrete Mathematics None 3
LNG 182 English II for Engineering and Computing LNG 181 3
BCS 102 Introduction to Computing Science I BCS 101 3
MTH 113 Calculus II MTH 112 3
XXX XXX GE Elective (2) None 3
ENT 142 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 141 1
Semester 3 MTH 114 Linear Algebra MTH 112 3
MTH 130 Probability and Statistics MTH 112 3
MTH 203 Discrete Mathematics for Computing Science BCS 102, MTH 120 3
BCS 201 Logic for Computing Science MTH 120 3
BCS 202 Introduction to Computing Science II BCS 102 3
ENT 241 Entrepreneurship 1 ENT 142 2
Semester 4 ENG 210 Computer Architecture BCS 202 or ENG 101 4
BCS 203 Software Specifications BCS 201, BCS 202 3
BCS 206 Information Structures BCS 202, MTH 203 3
BCS 222 Programming Paradigms BCS 201, BCS 202 3
ENT 242 Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 241 1
Semester 5 GED 198 Islamic Culture None 3
BCS 301 Operating Systems BCS 206, ENG 210 4
BCS 311 Scientific Computing BCS 102, MTH 114 3
BSD 310 Game Design BCS 202, BCS 206 3
BSD 311 Human Computer Interaction BCS 206 3
Semester 6 BCS 305 Software Architecture BCS 203, BCS 206 3
BCS 306 Database Management Systems BCS 201, BCS 202 3
BCS 309 Algorithms I BCS 201, BCS 206 3
BCS 323 System-Level Programming BCS 102 3
BSD 312 Software Quality BCS 203 3
BSD 313 Advanced User Interface Design BSD 311 3
Semester 7 GED 196 Communication Skills in Arabic 1 None 3
BCS 401 Ethics for Computing Professionals None 3
BSD 402 Formal Methods BCS 305 3
BSD 403 Software Requirements BCS 305 3
BSD 410 Software Design Project Completed 90 Cr. Hrs. 6
Semester 8 BSD 410 Software Design Project (Cont.) Completed 90 Cr. Hrs. --
GED 199 UAE Society None 3
BSD 404 Algorithms II BCS 203, BCS 309 3
BCS 405 Artificial Intelligence BCS 206, BCS 222 3
XXX XXX Program Major Elective   3
Internship* to be taken in summer after completion of 90 Cr. Hrs. and CGPA 2.0 or more. 3
Total   128