Bachelor of Architecture Degree Program
5 Years (10 Semesters)
170 Credit Hours
Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters

Program overview

The Bachelor of Architecture is a five-year program that offers students a comprehensive education in architecture. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills and covers various subject areas such as architectural design, computation, history and theory, building technology, sustainability, and urban planning. The program aims to prepare students to create architecture that innovatively addresses contemporary challenges, including the climate crisis, the quest for social innovation in a globalized world, and the impact of new technologies in human lives. Dubai's unique cultural and environmental diversity supports the program to prepare architects for successful careers in various geographical contexts. 


The program equips students with the skills to address the rapidly evolving challenges of the built environment. The five-year program blends theory with hands-on practice, focusing on areas like sustainable design, technological innovation, and urban planning. Students are trained to create solutions for pressing global issues such as the climate crisis, social innovation, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies. Situated in Dubai, a city known for its cultural diversity and architectural ambition, the program offers unique opportunities for innovation. Graduates emerge with a global perspective, ready to contribute to shaping future cities, fostering sustainability, and leading in the transformation of the built environment across varied contexts. 

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this program will have a wealth of industries to choose from and often go on to become: 

  • Architect
  • Heritage Conservator
  • Landscape Designer
  • Urban Designer
  • Construction & Project Manager
  • Real Estate Consultant
  • Educator
  • Entrepreneur

Graduates can also pursue advanced studies, such as a Master’s or PhD in Architecture or related fields, to specialize further and enhance career prospects, including academic and high-level research roles. 

Accreditation Status

The program has been awarded the accreditation by Ministry of Education UAE on September 1st, 2011 

Program Coordinator (Chair)

Dr.  Constantin Victor Spiridonidis

Phone: +971 47096822
Office: HUB Ground Floor - Office 10

Program Structure

Program Requirements Compulsory
Credit Hours
Credit Hours
Credit Hours
University Requirements (GE Courses) 30 03 33
Program Core Requirements (Core Courses) 47 0 47
Program Major Requirements 81 09 90
Total 158 12 170

University Requirements [General Education Courses - 33 Credits]

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
Compulsory Courses (30 Credits)
LNG 171-1 English I None 3
LNG 172-1 English II LNG 171-1 3
LNG 173 Professional Communication Skills LNG 172-1 3
GED 196E Communication Skills in Arabic 1 None 3
GED 198E Islamic Culture None 3
GED 199E UAE Society None 3
MTH 112 Calculus I Pass Math Placement Test or MTH 012 3
SCI 101 Physics I None 3
ENT 141E Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 None 2
ENT 142E Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 141 1
ENT 241 Entrepreneurship 1 ENT 142 2
ENT 242 Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 241 1
Elective Courses (Humanities - 03 Credits): Students are required to Select One Course from the following Pool
GED 110E Modern Art Appreciation None 3
GED 111E Music Appreciation and Communication None 3
GED 112 Using Positive Psychology at Work LNG 172 3
GED 205E Psychology in Everyday Life LNG 172 3
GED 252E Critical Thinking LNG 172 3
GED 272E Fundamentals of Public Speaking LNG 172 3
GED 324E Ethical Reasoning for Today’s World LNG 172 3

Program Core Requirements [Core Courses - 47 Credits]

Course Code Course Title Pre/Co Requisite Credit Hours
DES 121 Design Theory Co-DES 161 & DES 171 3
DES 122 Human Factors Co-DES 162 & DES 172 3
DES 161 Introduction to Design (Studio) Co-DES 121 & DES 171 4
DES 162 Fundamentals of Design (Studio) DES 121, DES 161, DES 171 Co-DES 122 & DES 172 4
DES 171 Drafting & Modeling Co-DES 121 & DES 161 3
DES 172 Freehand Drawing & Rendering Co-DES 122 & DES 162 3
DES 221 History of Architecture and Interior Design 1 DES 121, LNG 171 3
DES 222 History of Architecture and Interior Design 2 DES 221 3
DES 241 Construction and Design Integration DES 162 3
DES 261 Design Principles (Studio) DES 122, DES 162, DES 172 6
DES 271 Computer Aided Design DES 171 3
DES 341 Environmental Systems & Design Integration ARC 232/IND 232, ARC 262/IND 262 3
DES 351 Internship* 120 Cr. Hrs. & CGPA ≥ 2 3
DES 371 Working Drawings and Detailing ARC 242/IND 242, ARC 361/IND 361 3

Program Major Requirements [90 Credits]

Course Code Course Title Pre/Co Requisite Credit Hours
Compulsory Courses (81 Credits)
ARC 232 Site Planning & Landscape None 3
ARC 242 Advanced Construction and Design Integration DES 241 3
ARC 262 Design Methods (Studio) DES 261 6
ARC 272 Building Information Modelling DES 271 3
ARC 321 Research & Design Applications LNG 173, ARC 262 3
ARC 342 Advanced Environmental Systems & Design Integration ARC 242, DES 341 3
ARC 343 Structures 1 MTH 112, SCI 101, ARC 242 3
ARC 344 Structures 2 ARC 343 3
ARC 361 Environmental Design (Studio) ARC 222, DES 262 6
ARC 362 Design Studio (Housing) ARC 272, ARC 343, ARC 361 6
ARC 431 Planning & Urban Design ARC 362 3
ARC 432 Vernacular Architecture and Conservation DES 222 3
ARC 441 Building Code ARC 362, DES 371 3
ARC 451 Professional Practice & Project Management ARC 362 3
ARC 461 Urban Study (Studio) ARC 321, ARC 362 & Co-ARC 431 6
ARC 462 Integrated Design (Studio) ARC 272, ARC 342, ARC 344, ARC 461 6
ARC 521 Research and Design Explorations ARC 441, ARC 321 3
ARC 541 Construction Economics ARC 451 3
ARC 561 Design Studio (Institutional) ARC 462, ARC 342 6
ARC 562 Senior Project - Design (Studio) DES 351, ARC 344, ARC 432, ARC 521, ARC 541 6
Elective Courses (09 Credits): Students are required to Select Three Courses from the following courses
ARC 345 GIS Applications in Architecture ARC 342 or IND 342 3
ARC 433 Urban Studies Seminar ARC 431 3
DES 322 Architecture of The Islamic World DES 222 3
DES 324 On Site Investigation DES 222 3
DES 331 Landscape Architecture ARC 232 or IND 232 3
DES 372 Graphic Design & Portfolio for Architects & Interior Designers DES 271 3
DES 373 Visualization DES 271 3
DES 442 Special Topics: Materials & Methods ARC 342 or IND 342 3
DES 452 Professional Practice Seminar ARC 362 or IND 362 3
DES 463 Complex Design Studio ARC 362 or IND 362 3