Program overview
The Bachelor of Computer and Networking Engineering Technology (CNET) combines the practical skills needed to apply ever-advancing technologies with the solid business principles required to thrive in an enterprise-oriented world. Through a modern educational approach and state-of-the art facilities, this program delivers less theory and more technology-based practice in areas such as network security and administration; network operating systems; and wireless networks. It will provide you with plenty of hands-on experience right from the first year and help you to build a strong skill set upon graduation.
Program benefits
CNET graduates have a 100% employment rate owing to the diverse and comprehensive skills they develop in the computer network, software and hardware technology domain. The program will prepare you for professional certifications such as CCNA, Network+ and MCSA, and provides a direct link to the Cisco Networking Academy program, which is a dynamic educational course that teaches students relevant technology skills. Graduates of the program will be equipped to sit the globally recognized CCNA exam which opens doors to different employment opportunities and increases competitiveness in the global marketplace.
Graduate careers
As a graduate of the Bachelor of Computer and Networking Engineering Technology program, you will have the qualification and skills to pursue opportunities in the following areas:
- Network Administration
- Network Security
- System Administration
- Network Analysis
- Internet Network Specialisms
- IT Project Management
- IT Management
- Database Design
- System Analysis
Program Structure
Requirements | Compulsory
Credit Hours |
Credit Hours |
Credit Hours |
University Requirement | 21 | 3 | 24 |
Faculty Requirements | 21 | 0 | 21 |
Department Requirements (Shared with C.S.) | 9 | 0 | 9 |
Major/Specific Requirements | 73 | 6 | 79 |
Total | 124 | 9 | 133 |
a) University Requirements
General Education courses University Requirements represent 24 credits out of which 21 credits are for Compulsory Courses. Every student is required to take the mandatory credit hours that cover English Language, Fundamentals in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1&2, Entrepreneurship 1 & 2, Islamic Culture, UAE Society and Communication Skills in Arabic (1) in addition to one course in Humanities. These courses are shown in Table given below.
Panel A: List of the 7 Compulsory GED courses (21 credit hours)
Course Code | Course Title | Pre-requisite | Credit Hours | |
ENT | 141 | Fundamentals in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 | None | 2 |
ENT | 142 | Fundamentals in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 | ENT-141 | 1 |
ENT | 241 | Entrepreneurship I | ENT-142 | 2 |
ENT | 241 | Entrepreneurship II | ENT-241 | 1 |
GED | 196 | Communication Skills in Arabic (1) | None | 3 |
GED | 198 | Islamic Culture | None | 3 |
GED | 199 | UAE Society | None | 3 |
LNG | 181 | English I for Engineering & Computing | None | 3 |
LNG | 182 | English II for Engineering & Computing | LNG-181 | 3 |
Panel B: Humanities courses
Every student should complete one course (3 credit hours) from the following pool:
Course Code | Course Title | Pre-requisite | Credit Hours | |
GED | 110E | Modern Art Appreciation | None | 3 |
GED | 111E | Music Appreciation and Communication | None | 3 |
GED | 205E | Psychology in Everyday Life | LNG-172 or LNG-182 | 3 |
GED | 252E | Critical Thinking | LNG-172 or LNG-182 | 3 |
GED | 324E | Ethical Reasoning for Today’s World | LNG-172 or LNG-182 | 3 |
GED | 330 | Introduction to Canadian Studies | None | 3 |
b) Faculty requirements courses (21 credits):
All students who will enroll in the Bachelor of CNET program must complete 7 compulsory courses (21 credit hours), listed in Panel C.
Panel C: List of the 7 compulsory Faculty requirement courses (21 credit hours)
Course Code | Course Title | Pre-requisite | Credit Hours | |
BUS | 310 | Project Management | Completion of 60 Credit Hrs. | 3 |
MTH | 112 | Calculus I | Pass Math Placement Test or MTH-012 | 3 |
MTH | 130 | Probability and Statistics | MTH-112 | 3 |
NET | 110 | Computer Networks Fundamentals | ENG-101 or NET-100 | 3 |
SCI | 210 | Modern Physics | MTH-112 | 3 |
SWS | 110 | Programming I | None | 3 |
SWS | 316 | Programming II | SWS-110 | 3 |
Total | 21 |
c) Department requirement courses (12 credits):
All students who will enroll in the Bachelor of CNET program must complete 3 compulsory courses (9 credit hours), listed in Panel D.
Panel D: List of the 3 compulsory Department requirement courses (9 credit hours)
Course Code | Course Title | Pre-requisite | Credit Hours | |
BCS | 306 | Database Management Systems | BCS-201, BCS-202 or SWS-316 | 3 |
BCS | 401 | Ethics for Computing Professionals | None | 3 |
MTH | 120 | Discrete Mathematics | Pass Math Placement Test or MTH 012 | 3 |
Total | 9 |
d) Major/Elective courses for Bachelor of CNET program:
All students who will enroll in the Bachelor of CNET must complete the 25 compulsory specialized courses (73 credit hours), listed in Panel E. They also must complete 2 elective major courses (6 credit hours) from the pool of the 4 elective courses listed in Panel D.
Panel E: List of Compulsory major/specific courses for Bachelor of CNET (73 Credit hours)
Course Code | Course Title | Pre-requisite | Credit Hours | |
EBU | 200 | e-Business Fundamentals | None | 3 |
ENG | 420 | Internship* | 90 Cr.H. + CGPA 2.0 | 3 |
MKT | 201 | Principles of Marketing | LNG-171 or LNG-181 | 3 |
NET | 100 | Fundamental of Digital Systems | None | 3 |
NET | 120 | LAN Switching and Routing | NET-100 | 3 |
NET | 111 | Operating Systems Fundamentals | ENG-210 or NET-105 | 3 |
NET | 220 | Network Security and Administration | NET-120 | 3 |
NET | 105 | Microprocessors and Microcontrollers | NET-100 | 3 |
NET | 121 | Network Operating Systems | NET-111 | 3 |
NET | 214 | Network Programming | NET-120, SWS-316 | 3 |
NET | 221 | Communication Technology | NET-120 | 3 |
NET | 222 | Wireless Networks | NET-221 or COM-412 | 3 |
NET | 310 | Network Management | NET-222 | 3 |
NET | 320 | Advanced LAN Switching and Routing | NET-120 | 3 |
NET | 405 | Virtualization and Cloud Computing | NET-320 | 3 |
NET | 406 | Cloud Architecture | NET-405 | 3 |
NET | 410 | Enterprise Network Design | NET-222 | 3 |
NET | 420 | Advanced Network Troubleshooting | NET-222 | 3 |
NET | 440 | CNET Project-1 | Completed 100 Cr.H | 2 |
NET | 441 | CNET Project-2 | NET-440 | 2 |
SWS | 211 | System Analysis and Design | SWS-316 | 3 |
SWS | 215 | Web Development | BCS-306 | 3 |
SWS | 315 | Mobile Application Development | SWS-215 | 3 |
SWS | 351 | Management Information Systems | GED-101 or SWS-110 | 3 |
SWS | 405 | Applied Artificial Intelligence | BCS-206, BCS-205 or SWS-316, MTH-130 | 3 |
Total | 73 |
Panel F: List of Major/specific Elective courses for Bachelor of CNET (6 Credit hours)
Course Code | Course Title | Pre-requisite | Credit Hours | |
NET | 403 | Mobile Security | NET-220 | 3 |
SWS | 400 | Data Warehousing | BCS-306 | 3 |
SWS | 401 | Web Services Integration | NET- 405 | 3 |
SWS | 421 | Cryptography and Information Security | NET-220 | 3 |
Study Plan for the Program
We propose the following plan for completing all requirements of the program to ensure a gradual acquisition and accumulation of knowledge and skills over the 8 semesters.
Study Plan of Bachelor of CNET program
Semester | Course Code | Course Title | Pre/ Co Requisite | Credit Hours | |
Semester 1 | LNG | 181 | English I for Engineering & Computing | None | 3 |
NET | 100 | Fundamental of Digital Systems | None | 3 | |
MTH | 112 | Calculus I | Pass Math Placement Test or MTH-012 | 3 | |
EBU | 200 | e-Business Fundamentals | None | 3 | |
SWS | 110 | Programming I | None | 3 | |
ENT | 141 | Fundamentals in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 | None | 2 | |
Total | 17 | ||||
Semester 2 | MTH | 120 | Discrete Mathematics | Pass Math Placement Test or MTH 012 | 3 |
LNG | 182 | English II for Engineering & Computing | LNG-181 | 3 | |
MKT | 201 | Principles of Marketing | LNG-171 or LNG-181 | 3 | |
NET | 110 | Computer Networks Fundamentals | ENG-101 or NET-100 | 3 | |
SWS | 316 | Programming II | SWS-110 | 3 | |
ENT | 142 | Fundamentals in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 | ENT-141 | 1 | |
Total | 16 | ||||
Semester 3 | SCI | 210 | Modern Physics | MTH-112 | 3 |
MTH | 130 | Probability and Statistics | MTH-112 | 3 | |
NET | 120 | LAN Switching and Routing | NET-100 | 3 | |
BCS | 306 | Database Management Systems | BCS-201, BCS-202 or SWS-316 | 3 | |
NET | 105 | Microprocessors and Microcontrollers | NET-100 | 3 | |
ENT | 241 | Entrepreneurship I | ENT-142 | 2 | |
Total | 17 | ||||
Semester 4 | NET | 111 | Operating Systems Fundamentals | ENG-210 or NET-105 | 3 |
SWS | 211 | System Analysis and Design | SWS-316 | 3 | |
NET | 320 | Advanced LAN Switching and Routing | NET-120 | 3 | |
SWS | 215 | Web Development | BCS-306 | 3 | |
NET | 214 | Network Programming | NET-120, SWS-316 | 3 | |
ENT | 242 | Entrepreneurship II | ENT-241 | 1 | |
Total | 16 | ||||
Semester 5 | NET | 121 | Network Operating Systems | NET-111 | 3 |
GED | 198 | Islamic Culture | None | 3 | |
NET | 220 | Network Security and Administration | NET-120 | 3 | |
SWS | 351 | Management Information Systems | GED-101 or SWS-110 | 3 | |
NET | 221 | Communication Technology | NET-120 | 3 | |
Total | 15 | ||||
Semester 6 | BUS | 310 | Project Management | Completion of 60 Cr. H | 3 |
NET | 222 | Wireless Networks | NET-221 or COM-412 | 3 | |
SWS | 405 | Applied Artificial Intelligence | BCS-206, BCS-205 or SWS-316,MTH-130 | 3 | |
GED | 196 | Communication Skills in Arabic 1 | None | 3 | |
NET | 405 | Virtualization and Cloud Computing | NET-320 | 3 | |
Total | 15 | ||||
Semester 7 | BCS | 401 | Ethics for Computing Professionals | None | 3 |
SWS | 315 | Mobile Application Development | SWS-215 | 3 | |
XXX | Major elective 1 | 3 | |||
Humanity Elective | 3 | ||||
NET | 440 | CNET Project-1 | Completed 100 Cr.H | 2 | |
NET | 410 | Enterprise Network Design | NET-222 | 3 | |
Total | 17 | ||||
Semester 8 | NET | 406 | Cloud Architecture | NET-405 | 3 |
NET | 441 | CNET Project-2 | NET-440 | 2 | |
NET | 310 | Network Management | NET-222 | 3 | |
NET | 420 | Advanced Network Troubleshooting | NET-222 | 3 | |
XXX | Major elective 2 | 3 | |||
GED | 199 | UAE Society | None | 3 | |
Total | 17 | ||||
Internship to be taken summer semester after completion of 90 Cr.H + CGPA 2.0 or more | 3 | ||||
Total Credit Hours | 133 |