Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Degree Program
4 Years (8 Semesters)
127 Credit Hours
Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BScCS) has been designed to provide students with a solid foundation in Computer Science and Computing Mathematics. Students will gain the fundamental skills needed to become accomplished theoretical computer scientists, data miners and data scientists, positions which are in great demand in today’s world. The mathematical knowledge gained through this program will also provide graduates with a significant edge over the competition for research-oriented positions in high-tech industries.


There is very little in our modern world not touched by the fields of computer science and computing mathematics. From smart phones to social media, healthcare to hospitality, the fingerprint of computer scientists and engineers is everywhere and the need for competent, ambitious innovators in this field is growing rapidly.

Recognizing the need for diversification away from the oil and gas industry, the UAE has chosen to invest heavily in the creation of a knowledge economy based on technological advancement and innovation in the fields of green energy, semi-conductor technology, connectivity, wireless technologies and information security. All of these industries and many more require skilled employees fluent in the language of computing.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this program will have a wealth of industries to choose from and often go on to become:

  • Systems engineers
  • Computer project engineers
  • Test engineers
  • Computer network engineers
  • Hardware/software engineers
  • Computer network security analysts
  • Systems analysts
  • IT Managers
  • Database Designers
  • Entrepreneurs

Graduates can also pursue advanced studies, such as a Master’s or PhD in Computer Science or related fields, to specialize further and enhance career prospects, including academic and high-level research roles.

The program has been awarded the accreditation by Ministry of Education UAE on December 09, 2020.

The graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program, within a few years of their graduation, will have:

  • Pursued successful careers or postgraduate studies in the field of computer science and information technology.
  • Contributed to building UAE capacity for computer science specialists with breadth and depth of knowledge, knowledge of methodologies, and the skills to design, analyze, test, and implement innovative solutions in strategic IT areas.
  • Met workplace expectations, including analytical and critical thinking, effective communication, leadership, team spirit, and adaptability.
  • Developed awareness of the societal, economic, and environmental challenges facing the computer science profession, and who are committed to the highest standards of ethical practice including confidentiality and privacy.
  • Shown commitment to life-long learning and training to stay current with emerging technologies and future scientific trends.

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program, the graduates of the program will be able to:

  • PLO 1: Demonstrate knowledge of relevant theories and principles of computing-related solutions in specialized domains.
  • PLO 2: Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • PLO 3: Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  • PLO 4: Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • PLO 5: Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • PLO 6: Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  • PLO 7: Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
  • PLO 8: Assimilate new knowledge and skills into their practice by learning from experiences gained in different contexts of Computer Science.

The BScCS program is being offered at the CUD Campus as a full-time regular study mode program. The program is completed in 8 semesters (4 academic years) and the maximum duration of completion of the program is eight academic years.

The BScCS degree shall be awarded to a student upon completing the following requirements:

  • Passed 127 credit hours.
  • CGPA is not less than 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 points.
  • Earned at least 50% of credits at CUD.
  • Completed Internship and Project at CUD.

Dr. Rita Zgheib

Assistant Professor
Phone: +971 4 7096 2874
Office: HUB First Floor - Office 16


Program Structure

Requirements Compulsory
Credit Hours
Credit Hours
Credit Hours
University Requirements (GE Courses) 21 6 27
Program Core Requirements 64 - 64
Program Major Requirements 33 3 36
Total 118 9 127

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
Compulsory Courses (21 Credits)
LNG 181 English I for Engineering and Computing None 3
LNG 182 English II for Engineering and Computing LNG 181 3
GED 196 Communication Skills in Arabic 1 None 3
GED 198 Islamic Culture None 3
GED 199 UAE Society None 3
ENT 141 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 None 2
ENT 142 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 141 1
ENT 241 Entrepreneurship 1 ENT 142 2
ENT 242 Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 241 1
Elective Courses (06 Credits): Students are required to select Two Courses from the following Pool
BIO 102 Biology I None 3
SHS 103 Chemistry None 3
SCI 210 Modern Physics None 3

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
BCS 101 Elements of Computing None 3
BCS 102 Introduction to Computing Science I BCS 101 3
MTH 112 Calculus I Pass Math Placement Test or MTH 012 3
MTH 113 Calculus II MTH 112 3
MTH 114 Linear Algebra MTH 112 3
MTH 120 Discrete Mathematics None 3
MTH 130 Probability and Statistics MTH 112 3
MTH 203 Discrete Mathematics for Computing Science BCS 102, MTH 120 3
BCS 201 Logic for Computing Science MTH 120 3
BCS 202 Introduction to Computing Science II BCS 102 3
BCS 203 Software Specifications BCS 201, BCS 202 3
BCS 206 Information Structures BCS 202, MTH 203 3
BCS 222 Programming Paradigms BCS 201, BCS 202 3
ENG 210 Computer Architecture BCS 202, ENG 101 4
BCS 305 Software Architecture BCS 203, BCS 206 3
BCS 306 Database Management Systems BCS 201, BCS 202 3
BCS 309 Algorithms I BCS 201, BCS 206 3
BCS 311 Scientific Computing BCS 102, MTH 114 3
BCS 323 System-Level Programming BCS 102 3
BCS 401 Ethics for Computing Professionals None 3
ENG 420 Internship 90 Credit Hours & CGPA ≥ 2.0 3

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
Compulsory Courses (33 Credits)
BCS 221 Communication Networks BCS 102 3
BCS 301 Operating Systems ENG 210, BCS 206 4
BCS 303 Security Principles and Practices BCS 221 4
BCS 304 Data Mining BCS 202, MTH 114, MTH 130, MTH 203 3
BCS 307 Digital Systems ENG 210 4
BCS 402 Computability and Complexity BCS 203, BCS 309 3
BCS 403 Advanced Database Systems BCS 206, BCS 306 3
BCS 405 Artificial Intelligence BCS 206, BCS 222 3
BCS 410 Computer Science Project Completed 90 Credit Hours 6
Elective Courses (03 Credits): Students are required to Select One Course from the following courses
SWS 215 Web Development BCS 306 3
BSD 311 Human Computer Interaction BCS 206 3
BCS 400 Network Operating Systems BCS 301 3
BCS 406 Computer Graphics BCS 206, MTH 114 3
BSD 404 Algorithms II BCS 203, BCS 309 3