Bachelor of Science in Interior Design Degree Program
4 Years (8 Semesters)
128 Credit hours, including 3 credit hours of internship
Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters

Program overview

The BSc in Interior Design has an emphasis on creativity and problem solving, while building professional competencies such as adaptability, rationality and accountability in design thinking. Through interactive lectures and practical workshops, students are trained to design the interior and exterior aspects of the built environment with focus on creating unique spaces that offer a positive atmosphere for stakeholders and end-users alike, in a safe and environmentally sustainable way.

The objective of this degree is to blend the fundamentals of design and technology with business and entrepreneurship through behavioural, technological, sustainable, and aesthetic exploration. Students learn the theoretical aspects of space and the built environment and apply them practically through internships while they are in their final year. The curriculum supports the professional and multidisciplinary philosophy with students being encouraged to take advantage of the wide variety of courses offered at CUD to foster and develop their interests and talents.

Program benefits

The Bachelor of Interior Design program will equip you with:

  • Creative and analytical skills
  • An understanding of the economic, social, constructional, and legal environments in which the practice of interior design operates
  • Knowledge of professional design, ethical values and sustainability
  • A good understanding and proven ability in the fundamentals of interior design
  • An enhanced ability in graphic and oral communications
  • Knowledge of building systems, codes and appropriate technology and materials, and an appreciation of and sensitivity toward ecology and the environment
  • Software skills aligned with the requirements of design

Graduate careers

As a graduate of the Bachelor of Interior Design program you will have the qualification and skills to pursue opportunities in a variety of areas including:

  • Interior Designer
  • Space Planner
  • Furniture Designer
  • Set, Exhibition and Theatre Designer
  • Lighting Designer
  • Architecture, Interior Design, Event and Exhibition Design Consultancies
  • Sustainable Design Consultancies
  • Government Offices (Ministries and Municipalities)
  • Real Estate Consultancies
  • Project Management
  • Facilities Management
  • Teaching positions in related discipline
  • Master's degrees in Interior Design

Program Structure

Program Requirements Compulsory
Credit Hours
Credit Hours
Credit Hours
University Requirements (GE Courses) 27 - 27
Program Core Requirements (Core Courses) 47 - 47
Program Major Requirements 51 03 54
Total 125 03 128

University Requirements [General Education Courses - 27 Credits]

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
LNG 171-1 English I None 3
LNG 172-1 English II LNG 171-1 3
LNG 173 Professional Communication Skills LNG 172-1 3
GED 196E Communication Skills in Arabic 1 None 3
GED 198E Islamic Culture None 3
GED 199E UAE Society None 3
MTH 196 Mathematics for Business None 3
ENT 141 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 None 2
ENT 142 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 141 1
ENT 241 Entrepreneurship 1 ENT 142 2
ENT 242 Entrepreneurship 2 ENT 241 1

Program Core Requirements [Core Courses - 47 Credits]

Course Code Course Title Pre/Co Requisite Credit Hours
DES 121 Design Theory Co-DES 161 & DES 171 3
DES 122 Human Factors Co-DES 162 & DES 172 3
DES 161 Introduction to Design (Studio) Co-DES 121 & DES 171 4
DES 162 Fundamentals of Design (Studio) DES 121, DES 161, DES 171 Co-DES 122 & DES 172 4
DES 171 Drafting & Modeling Co-DES 121 & DES 161 3
DES 172 Freehand Drawing & Rendering Co-DES 122 & DES 162 3
DES 221 History of Architecture and Interior Design 1 DES 121, LNG 171 3
DES 222 History of Architecture and Interior Design 2 DES 221 3
DES 241 Construction and Design Integration DES 162 3
DES 261 Design Principles (Studio) DES 122, DES 162, DES 172 6
DES 271 Computer Aided Design DES 171 3
DES 341 Environmental Systems & Design Integration ARC 232/IND 232, ARC 262/IND 262 3
DES 351 Internship* 90 Cr. Hrs. & CGPA ≥ 2.0 3
DES 371 Working Drawings and Detailing ARC 242/IND 242, ARC 361/IND 361 3

Program Major Requirements [54 Credits]

Course Code Course Title Pre/Co Requisite Credit Hours
Compulsory Courses (51 Credits)
IND 232 Research and Design Applications LNG 172, DES 261 3
IND 242 Construction and Design Integration: Interior Design DES 241 3
IND 262 Residential Design (Studio) DES 261 6
IND 331 Furniture Design & Detailing DES 122, DES 222 3
IND 342 Lighting & Acoustics DES 341, IND 242 3
IND 343 Interior Finishes & Materials IND 242 3
IND 344 Building Code IND 343 3
IND 351 Professional Practice & Project Management IND 361 3
IND 361 Institutional Design (Studio) DES 222, IND 262 6
IND 362 Commercial Design (Studio) DES 271, IND 361 6
IND 461 Senior Project - Dissertation (Studio) IND 232, IND 331, IND 342, IND 344, IND 362 6
IND 462 Senior Project Design (Studio) DES 351, DES 371, IND 461 6
Elective Courses (03 Credits): Students are required to Select One Course from the following courses
DES 231 Sustainability of Buildings DES 162 3
DES 322 Architecture of The Islamic World DES 222 3
DES 324 On Site Investigation DES 222 3
DES 372 Graphic Design & Portfolio for Architects & Interior Designers DES 271 3
DES 373 Visualization DES 271 3
DES 431 Principles of Landscape Design IND 262 3
DES 442 Special Topics: Materials & Methods ARC 342 or IND 342 3
DES 452 Professional Practice Seminar ARC 362 or IND 362 3
DES 463 Complex Design Studio ARC 362 or IND 362 3